Условия участия

  • ADM505


Oracle Cache Management
-Introducing Oracle System Global Area
-Introducing Automatic Oracle Program Global Area (PGA)
Monitoring of the Database Instance
-Using the DBA Cockpit to Monitor the Database
-Understanding the DBA Cockpit support of Oracle database features
Application Design Analysis
-Understanding the Impact of Expensive SQL Statements
-Using SM50/SM66 to Find Expensive SQL Statements
-Using ST03/STAD to Find Expensive SQL Statements
-Using ST04 to Find Expensive SQL Statements
-Using SQL Trace to Find Expensive SQL Statements
-Monitoring Exclusive Lock Waits
Index Management and Optimization
-Utilizing Indexes
-Creating an Index
Cost-Based Optimizer
-Updating Statistics
-Detecting problems with Optimizer statistics
Analysis of Physical and Logical Layout
-Defragmenting Indexes
-Working with I/O Contention
Memory Configuration Analysis
-Describing Data Buffer Utilization
-Analyzing Efficiency of Shared Pool
-Monitoring the Automatic Program Global Area (PGA)
Wait Interface and Automatic Workload Repository
-Observing Oracle Wait Interface
-Reviewing Automatic Workload Repository and Histories


Describe memory management in the Oracle database
Regularly monitoring of an Oracle database with the SAP database monitor
Analyzing and optimizing database performance


Optimizing database parameters and the hardware configuration are not covered as part of this course

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