Условия участия

  • HR050 or HR050E
  • HR306 or HR306E
  • Business experience in Time Management


Provide an overview of Time Management business processes
Describe Time Evaluation in SAP HCM
Explain the concept of the time evaluation driver RPTIME00
Process time evaluation messages in the Time Manager’s Workplace
Customize time evaluation
Perform data collection in time evaluation
Describe and configure reading and writing Schemas and Rules.
Explain the purpose and use of Functions and Operations.
Describe personnel calculation schema TM00 in detail.
Provide an overview of the personnel calculation schema TM04.


Explain and set up the time evaluation process and its integration with different HCM business processes
Customize time evaluation by focusing on the evaluation of data from time recording subsystems


Сайт компании-организатора: https://training.sap.com/ru/ru/