Условия участия

  • Курс MOB01


Introduction to Mobility for Application Architects
SAP Gateway Architecture
SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) Architecture
SAP Agentry Architecture
SAP Mobiliser Architecture
SAP Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) Solution Architecture
SAP Fiori
SAP Afaria


Provide architects with an understanding of various Mobile Application Architectures using SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 and ancillary mobility solutions and extensions such as SAP Fiori, Mobile BI and SAP Afaria
Prepare architects for an architecture engagement
Describe SAP Gateway architecture and identify the options within the platform to create OData driven apps
Plan and design security for Native and Hybrid Apps using various mobility solutions
Prepare architects to deliver SAP Mobile Platform 3.0 application architectures to customers
Assist architects in identifying the options for building the model of a Native or Hybrid App and the View-Controller of an SAP Mobile Server application
Describe the SAP Agentry Architecture in SAP Mobile Platform 3.0
Identify options for SAP Mobile Apps that run on the SAP Agentry architecture
Identify Options for Building the model of an SAP Agentry application
Describe an SAP Mobiliser architecture and framework components
Design applications using the SAP Mobiliser Framework
Evaluate Brand Mobiliser options
Evaluate SmartPhone options
Describe the SAP Mobile Business Intelligence (BI) solution architecture and evaluate the development options
Design an SAP Mobile BI application for Android and iOS
Provide focus on SAP Fiori HANA and standard SAP Fiori architecture
Identify common customization options for SAP Fiori apps
Customize an SAP Fiori Launchpad and application login screen
Describe the SAP Afaria and Mobile Secure architecture


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