Architecting EDI with SAP IDocs: The Comprehensive Guide (2nd Edition)
Welcome to Hollywood! Follow the saga of the Acme Pictures movie studio as it exchanges information with its vendor and its primary customer to put low-budget sci-fi movies on shelves. This entertaining case study showcases the requirements, standards, and capabilities for building an SAP EDI system and optimizing electronic information exchange via IDocs. From configuring IDocs, to customizing IDocs with ALE, to generating purchase orders and goods receipts, to processing invoices, this script teaches you how to make your EDI system a star.
SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe (2nd Edition)
If you’ve ever had any questions about working with SAP’s interactive forms, this comprehensive book will be a valuable addition to your library. Whether you are a beginning or advanced technical consultant, developer, or form designer, you will learn everything you need to know about working with SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe. This second edition includes new coverage of ABAP Offline Infrastructure, XDC Editor, JobProfiles Editor, parallelization of print jobs, and more.
Need to integrate third-party programs with your SAP systems? In this book, learn how to work with the communication protocols that are supported by SAP: Remote Function Call (RFC), SAP Java Connector (JCo), SOAP, XML web services, and more. In addition to learning the basics, you'll find out which components of the SAP NetWeaver Application Server implement these technologies and how to configure them to enable communication with external systems.